Why Trump 2024 Part 4 : Biden’s wars, our country is in real danger

Obama/Biden administration left the US military completely depleted. The Obama
administration’s own military leaders confirm this indecisiveness and reluctance to deal with
military necessities.


This was at a time when Russia and China rapidly increased their military power. During this
time, when Obama deprioritized the military, Russia built supersonic rockets, and China rapidly
militarized the South China Sea and built a very advanced navy. The “left” says the US military
budget is bigger than China’s and Russia’s combined…Do you think Russia and China
will disclose their military budgets? Do you understand how technologically advanced
China has become? Was this negligence, incompetence, or straight-up treason of the
Obama/Biden administration?

It took President Trump to restore the US military. It took President Trump to make NATO
allies pay what they were supposed to pay. It took President Trump to eliminate ISIS, kill Abu
Bakr al-Baghdadi, and kill Iranian general Qasem Soleimani. It took President Trump to limit US
military engagements but from a position of strength not a position of weakness. It took president
Trump to stop construction of “North Stream 2” gas pipeline for which Germany paid billions of
dollars to Russia to subsidize Russia’s weapons program. It is President Trump who
demonstrated red lines when Syria used chemical weapons by eliminating Syria’s air force. It
was a North Korean “Rocket” man who clearly understood the message that “my nuclear
button is bigger than yours”. Even with all this, President Trump was the first president to start
bringing home our troops and not starting any wars.

Compare this to the Biden administration. Due to Biden’s weakness we now already have two
wars. Weakness invites aggression from bad guys. Bad guys don’t understand words, they only
understand force and decisiveness in making decisions.

Biden reveals his weakness with the disastrous exodus from Afghanistan. Score of American soldiers
killed (no one under Trump), hundreds of US citizens and their families left in Afghanistan,
thousands of Afghans helping the US army left behind to be executed by the Taliban.

It followed with a disastrous order for mandatory vaccination of our troops. Anyone who disagreed
was terminated from the Army, literally eliminating tens of thousands of very patriotic and highly
qualified military personnel. And now they can’t find people to fill in Army positions.

It is Biden’s weakness that invited Putin to Ukraine (NPR article: Biden used the term “minor
incursion”;). This would not happen under President Trump. We don’t know what Trump said to
Putin, or how he explained the disastrous effect of war to Putin, but Putin knew that with Trump
there are no false red lines and there will be dire consequences.

For years Obama and Biden tried to beg Iran for a nuclear deal. For Iran to sign a piece of paper both Obama and Biden paid Iran billions of dollars that Iran transferred to Hamas, Hezbollah, and Houthis. But most importantly terrorists around the world understood that Biden would seek to appease them in order not to fight, and such weakness led to events on October 7.

The US military is now directly engaged with the Houthis. We already have US NAVY SEALs killed in this war. More to follow…

So Biden put us back to wars, Biden’s wars! We are facing a tough situation with China, and Russia.
North Korea is back to sending missiles toward the US. Are you ready to send your sons and
daughters to war or see a nuclear exchange?

Biden is the most dangerous president the US ever had!